Delivering compassion to all
patients in our care

Preparing for your stay
It can feel overwhelming coming in for your procedure, but rest assured, we are here to guide you through every step - from the admissions process and what to expect during your stay, to recovering at home.

Staying at the hospital
Patients always come first. We know that an important part of that is making you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible. During your time with us, you can expect personalised care within a nurturing and caring environment.
Staying At The Hospital
Going home
When you’ve been discharged and are ready to go home, please make sure you’ve arranged for a responsible adult to help you get home. You will need someone to drive you home if your surgery involved a general anaesthetic or sedation.
Going Home
Fees & payments
It is important that you are well informed about the costs of any treatment prior to surgery. If you would like an estimate of hospital costs, please phone 03 375 6101. Note that the final cost of any operation may change.

Your clinical record
In most instances post discharge, your surgeon will forward all relevant information to your GP, however, we are able to send information to other health care facilities and practitioners on your behalf if you are currently under their care.