Our Society
St George’s Hospital is an Incorporated Society and a registered Charity operated by and for the people of Canterbury. The organisation is governed by a group of Cantabrians who have been elected to the Society as members.
Objects of the Society
The Society is established for medical, religious and charitable objects and purposes within New Zealand only. In particular, the Society is established:
- To erect, maintain, administer and endow a private general hospital or hospitals, and to provide related services and facilities.
- To exercise and perform all necessary duties, functions and obligations in regard to such hospital or hospitals and to the nursing and treatment of the sick or infirm generally.
- To impart into the work the religious element of Christian life, duty and obligations.
- To apply any profits accruing from the activities or work of the Society to the furtherance of its charitable objects, especially the altruistic nursing of the sick or for such other purposes which accord with its charitable objects.
- To carry out the charitable objects of the Society either alone or in association with such other person, corporation, body or trust as may be approved by the Society.
- To enter into any form of contract or contractual arrangement with any other entity for the purpose of carrying out the Objects of the Society.
Note: The above Objects of the Society are enshrined into the Society’s Rules of Association.